Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Soggy Waffle Fish

Natalie coined this the "soggy waffle fish" ice cream sandwich. You never know what you are going to get with Korean ice cream!

Busan is way better than I ever could have expected. Everything says "Dynamic Busan" on it, but it's true! There is so much to do, I am not sure where to even start. My neighborhood, I suppose. :) I have already spent a good amount of time just walking around trying to just take in the sights/smells/sounds. Everytime I get off on a new subway stop I am continually mesmorized by where I am.

Though I don't start teaching until Thursday, I spent the whole day at school. What did I do? I got in at about 8:30 and headed to the "Intelligence Room" for a teacher's meeting. Every room is labeled in Korean and English, and some translations are rougher than others! What are we the CIA?? In the meeting I had to introduce myself in English and then say a few words in Korean. Everyone laughed at my Korean but said after I  was finished said, "Ohhh you Korean so good!" Haha I think they just appreciated the effort! I was then ushered into the "Broadcasting Room" where I had to wait for my turn to be filmed for the whole school to watch. I  then introduced myself to the students with a similar speech and was presented with a bouquet of flowers by the principal! It was beautiful! After that I had some time to look through the teacher's guides and wait for my co-teacher Mrs. Park to come give me directions. She finally came in to tell me I needed to make a powerpoint about myself to present to all my classes, and come up with a fun warm-up game. That only took me about 45 minutes, and then I had free time until lunch.  I think lunch is going to be painful most days. I just have to sit there in silence and while everyone chatters in Korean and ignores me. After lunch I went back to my desk to again wait for instructions. Mrs. Park came in in a rush to tell me she had to go and that we wouldn't have class tomorrow, we would just plan for Thursday. Uhhhhh?!?  I have to stay until 4:40 everyday, so I spent the afternoon wasting away on the internet. I have to start bringing a book or something because all of my afternoons are free.
Here's what my schedule looks like: Class 1 - 9-9:40, Class 2 - 9:50-10:30, Class 3 - 10:40-11:20, Class 4 - 11:30-12:10. That's it!!!! I sure am getting paid a lot to do a whole lot of nothing.

Oh ya! I almost forgot to mention how I have to wear horribly ugly slipper/ sandals when I teach. Good thing I brought all those dress shoes! When I found out yesterday I had to go buy some, I wasn't sure where to look. Then as I was walking through the subway I saw a lady selling piles of them! I bought a "large" pair but they still don't fit. I look like Bill Murray in Lost in Translation. They will have to do until I can find something bigger!

And now, some pictures:
Ok, I hope you can see what this is. It is a box attached to my wall, showing my how to rappel out of my window! So this is what I do if there is a fire?? I feel much safer having this...?
My school Yong San Elementary! It is so big, you can't even see the other wings of it.
My classroom! :) That is Mrs. Kim, one of my co-teachers.

When I'm not teaching, you will probably find me at that desk in the back corner!
These girls were so curious about what I was doing at my computer. "Amy teacher! What you doing??" 
Not the best photo, but this is the view from my roof. Much prettier at night...
I can't wait to update everyone once I actually start teaching! Can't wait!

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